The process of researching agents and writing query letters made me think of that e-mail. I've developed a system. First I use an online site to generate an initial list of 100 or so agents interested in middle grade fiction. Then I start winnowing.
Remove the agents who aren't accepting queries. Remove those who only do YA (Young Adult). Remove those looking for Steam Punk. This usally leaves 60 agents. Then the research starts I pick out any that seem like a good match.
Queries come next. I hate writing query letters for the same reason I am bad about thank you notes. Churning out formulaic pulp kills me. It feels so insincere. I'm getting over it a bit but I don't think I'll ever just be able to spam myself to the agents.
To write a query letter, I have to research the agent again, look at their agency, read interviews and get a clear picture of who I am addressing. This is where having an MA in Literature gets in the way.
I like seeing all these book loving people who build their careers around the written word. I get carried away reading articles and interviews. Maybe they fascinate me because most of my fellow English majors from Wofford became lawyers. These are neat people I'm looking at. No two people took the same path to being an agent. I wonder if I'll recognize a name some day as I generate list and lists. Who knows? It could happen.
Bottom line: I am enjoying this new and slightly esoteric process of querying in my own little nerd way. But it is time to stop deconstructing the menu, grab the yellow legal pad and go write.