Last night I attacked our Maggie Closet. That's what we call the closet under stairs. Even I couldn't take the chaos any longer.
My husband coined the term after Maggie from Read or Die. It's just the type of space she would love to nest in, surrounded by books.
Last night was a total closet purge. The spice shelves took the longest. Partly because I maced myself right good by pouring white chili powder into a mason jar. But mostly because 78 jars survived the purge. No repeats. Honest.
I read cookbooks like novels. When I grow up, my next degree will be in culinary anthropology. The spice cabinet reflects that.
Recently I've learned how to find really good spices locally. The online spice catalogs are just too pricey and the quantities are too small.
For instance, one purveyor of spice wanted $4 for a tiny envelope of sumac. Two tablespoons at the most. I got 8 ounces for $3 at a local Indian grocery store. Sumac is a yummy lemony brightener perfect for garnishing hummus, sprinkling over steamed vegetables, or replacing the salt on the table habit for people who have to watch the sodium intake.
My gingerbread recipe was wheedled out of a close friend and has so many spices boiled together that it makes your lips tingle. There's no teaspoons in this recipe, just tablespoons.
Another great find has been Compare grocery stores. There are several in the Charlotte area but my favorite is on Arrowood. This grocery store is predominantly Hispanic. Fresh garbanzo beans in the hulls and a bin of dried chilis that smells so smokey spicy good I wish I could bottle it. This store also has Indian, African, Thai and Chinese food stuffs.
Don't even get me started on the lentils - they are kept in the pantry and that will have to be another blog.
If you like to cook and enjoy flavor, buy some mason jars and start building your own spice closet. Just say no to $5 little bottles of desiccated flakes at the conventional grocery stores. You will save a lot of money, learn about other cultures and put great food on your table.
Wow - Maggie's Closet looks like something out of a "how to organize" book. Nice work! I love seeing the bean curds mentioned. :)
Thanks Caroline. You know its a great evening with friends when you learn some new tricks in the kitchen.
My husband would be happy to get you some spices in Bahrain! He's sent me more cumin and coriander than I could use in a year! All freshly ground as well as seeds too.
Love your Maggie closet. I hope it stays as neat as the picture :)
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