Remember the days when Fisher Price's Little People didn't have arms or legs? The child's imagination was supposed to take care of those details. I kept this in mind when Peggy and I taught "Habitats" in Science Time.
For their take home craft, the children designed their own creature and build it's habitat. Since Science Time is an after school program for three and four year old's so we kept it simple.
I made the pom poms with knitting yarn rather than using the familiar store bought kind. No eyes, tails or legs either. All of those details were up to the child's imagination.
Preschoolers are always doing crafts with round plates so I tossed things up a bit and splurged for the oval plates.
I cut toilet paper tubes in half and hot glued them to the plates the night before. The biggest challenge we face in Science Time is making sure the glue is dry at the end of the hour. Our Scientists do not want to wait to show Mom and Dad what they learned.
Our 3's are too young to use scissors so we set out an array of construction paper from the scraps bin, cut into strips and shapes.
The children loved it! My only regret is I didn't have time to write down what they were saying about their creatures and their habitats.
What beautiful imaginations! Science Time will definitely be doing this Habitat class again.
For their take home craft, the children designed their own creature and build it's habitat. Since Science Time is an after school program for three and four year old's so we kept it simple.
Preschoolers are always doing crafts with round plates so I tossed things up a bit and splurged for the oval plates.
Our 3's are too young to use scissors so we set out an array of construction paper from the scraps bin, cut into strips and shapes.
What beautiful imaginations! Science Time will definitely be doing this Habitat class again.
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