A year ago my sister Catherine moved into the neatest apartment ever. It was the top
story of a 1850's house.
The stairs to her bedroom were so narrow we couldn't get a twin boxspring up them. The bedroom itself was more like an equilateral triangle. Catherine may be my baby sister but she is still too old to sleep on a mattress on the floor. We needed a very low bed that could be easily assembled on site.
So I searched online for simple platform bed plans. I chose one by aeray on instructables.com
I like this plan because it is cheap, sturdy, easy and lends itself to repurposed lumber. Plus, the whole thing broke down into a stack of boards that could fit inside a VW Bug.
Our guest room has a box spring and a mattress. I saved my children's mission style crib to reuse as a headboard and footboard. All I needed to do was build the frame.
In a fit of procrastination I decided to build a full size version of Catherine's platform bed.
I wasn't able to use any recycled or cull lumber for the project but the total cost was still only $35. My Home Depot bill would have been $25 if I remembered that I already had a new box of 2" screws in the garage.
The legs needed to be high enough to house the great storage bags I found for my horde of quilting fabric.
I measured twice. Honest!!!
My daughter looked like a cat climbing an iceberg. She couldn't get on the bed without using a chair.
Son and husband think its hilarious.
Dog is huffy. She does not like having to work for a nap.
The good news is that the bed is sturdy enough not to groan as a family of four uses it as a vaulting horse while laughing hysterically at dear old Mom.
Do I cut the legs down and find different storage units for the quilting fabric? Mt. Bedrest just needs to lose five inches to be the same height as the bed in the master bedroom. It is easy enough to unscrew the legs and trot them down to the chop saw.
My husband likes the bed as is. I'm not sure if this is an aesthetic comment or if he is simply enjoying my chagrin.
Do I build a night stand that doubles as a set of stairs? Is this a great chance to go funky chic?
I could toss the box spring. Its too big to store. I don't like this option though. The box spring is only five years old and hasn't really done anything wrong. It should stay in service.
Stay tuned for the Saga of Mt. Bedrest.
1 comment:
The whole point of a platform bed is so you don't need box springs. They are for the mattress only. No wonder it's too tall.
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