Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rain, rain, go away . . . this has not been a productive day

I have not accomplished very much this morning.  Four hours and I don't know much more than I did when the coffee pot was still full:

The weather is weird. Forks weird.

The dog is strange.

Chapter Five is not cooperating.

I can't skip Chapter Five and go to Chapter Six.  Too many little dependent details.

My desk chair squeaks.

The stink in the office was not a cat thinking outside of the box.  It was some other unspeakable yuck lurking in the wastepaper basket.

The coffeemaker made a full pot of coffee this morning.  But it was half caff.  Not cool.

Have you seen me?
My favorite coffee mug is missing.  

Right now I am more Titus than Annie.  I really need my favorite coffee mug.  I will be embarrassed by this hang up after I find my mug.

I do not like drinking coffee out of a regular sized mug when I am writing.  A normal mug is empty by the time I travel from kitchen to computer.  Maybe this is throwing off my groove.


LAS Pottery said...

Ok...tomorrow I am bringing over the Thundermuck beans...no more decaff for you!

Wardart said...

Table dog!

Ms. Yingling said...

Thrift stores are great sources of massive mugs.